Jumat, 24 Juli 2009

Madonna's Criminal Harassment Turns Racial


Unwanted Contact...Again!

Madonna's criminal misconduct against me continues, unprovoked. Once again, her producer and ex-boyfriend, Jellybean Benetez, who she is still in contact with in New York, tried to contact me again online last week. I did not respond.

During that same week, once again, Madonna commissioned two members of the Miami Kabbalah Center to approach and harass me in public again.

One of them is the same man that has come up to me three different times, at disparate places so far apart, always knowing when I will be at each place (thanks to the private eye Madonna has stalking me Anthony Pellicano style).

This same bizarre, pushy Kabbalah member, utilizing a Pellicano practice of approaching surveillance subjects with harassing, menacing speech, was caught on camera (evidence). He said some sick things to me, while something I said to him out of repulsion, a week later, Madonna incriminatingly repeated in an interview she did.

Racial Slurs

A week and a half ago, Madonna commissioned another Kabbalah member to approach my mother and I in a mall, harassing us. In a packed mall bathroom, in front of people, a white Kabbalah member, targeted my mom first. My mom walks with a cane, due to Guillain Barre weakening her legs and back, so she used the disabled bathroom.

This crazy Kabbalah member started yelling, banging on the door of the bathroom stall my mom was in, like she was going to attack her, demanding she get out immediately. Never mind the Kabbalah member had no physical impairment necessitating the use of a disabled bathroom stall.

I politely said to her while waiting on my mom to exit the bathroom stall, "There is another empty disabled stall next to it, why don't you use that one." She snapped, "I want to use this one!" pointing at the stall my mom was using. The perv even started trying to look under the bathroom stall door, whilst yelling at my mom (voyeurism is a common Kabbalah trait that is quite sick and invasive).

Then, she started uttering racial slurs at me and my mom. Others in the bathroom looked at her appalled and stunned. I called mall security, due to her aggressiveness and yelling and when a female mall employee went into the bathroom, the Kabbalah member flew out of there and quickly existed the mall. Thankfully, I snapped a photo of her before she fled (evidence).

Before this incident transpired, someone connected with Madonna uttered a veiled threat to me about harassing an individual in a disabled bathroom stall. So, this madness she got this local Kabbalah member to do was planned.

I've lived in America for 24 years and never had a racial confrontation, until Madonna's madness via this case and she should be very ashamed of that.

Then again, such conduct being sponsored by a vile woman that has been criminally ripping off a black immigrant, bringing slavery back in modern times and keeps snatching black African babies from their devastated families, via bribing government officials, to use as press accessories, in competing with actress Angelina Jolie, could care less about blacks.


In another incident weeks ago, during a scheduled follow up doctor's visit at the hospital, regarding the stress induced brain hemorrhage I sustained in October 2008, a Kabbalah member wearing a red string bracelet, walked right up to me on the hospital grounds and menacingly snarled in my face for about 15 seconds, like she wanted to attack me. At the hospital of all places.

More Unwanted Contact

Madonna, through her reps, continues to crazily contact people I know and or do business with, offering them money to harass and terrorize me, while speaking in glowing terms about her and uttering private details of the criminal case, that they could only know if she and her staff told them.

For example, there is someone I know that I really didn't discuss the Madonna case with, who Madonna began to target via her reps.

Madonna invited said person to A-Rod's apartment, while said person was in New York from Miami this year. When she came back to Miami, she started talking to us about it in strange terms. This person is not in the entertainment industry, nor is she rich or famous, yet they contacted her and invited her to his place, because she knows my family.

Madonna and co. offered her money to talk about them before me and my mom at a dinner we went to over at a mutual friend's house. She was told to put in a good word for Madonna in front of us and speak glowingly of the her and A-Rod, while reciting lines about their apartment in New York. It was so weird and out of place and sounded like something she was told to memorize, then repeat.

My other friends looked at her puzzled, like why would you bring that nut up. My mom sensing something was amiss, changed the subject immediately, cutting her off.

This is a small sample of the harassment and invasiveness I have been subjected to by that madwoman Madonna. Idle hands really are the devil's workshop, as the phrase goes.


Sony's Madness

Housing Discrimination

The Many Artists Madonna Has Ripped Off

More Madonna Thefts Uncovered (Part 1) - Madonna Ripped Off Tina Turner

More Madonna Thefts Uncovered (Part 2) - Madonna Ripped Off Deee-lite

More Madonna Thefts Uncovered (Part 3) - Madonna Rips Off Kylie Minogue Song

More Madonna Thefts Uncovered (Part 4)

More Madonna Thefts Uncovered (Part 5)

Madonna Steals Kylie's Choreographers

Madonna Steals From French Singer Sheila

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