Kamis, 30 Juli 2009

Discrepancies In Cambridge Cop Report Pt 2

Obama to meet with Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Officer James Crowley

Discrepancies galore have cropped up in the racial profiling case of Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates Jr, due to Cambridge police officer, James Crowley, being caught in several lies, via a corrupted report he filed on the incident.

As covered yesterday, Officer Crowley claimed Professor Gates told him, "I'll talk to your mama outside" and also wrote he did not furnish him with a State ID/drivers license, which has been disputed.

Henry Louis Gates Jr.

The citizen, Lucia Whalen, who did her civic duty, in calling in what she thought was a break-in, not only refutes meeting and speaking with Officer Crowley, she also stated she did not tell him it was a black man breaking an entry, which is supported by the 911 tapes released yesterday.

James Crowley

It is unlawful to lie in a police report and it is conduct worthy of disciplinary action to the offending officer. While I do agree there needs to be racial reconciliation and forgiveness in this case, all color issues aside, Officer Crowley's dodgy report needs to be addressed.

Telling tall tales in such a document is a serious offense, not permissible by a cop of any race or nationality, anywhere in the world. Two people, Professor Gates and the witness, Lucia Whalen, are stating he is lying.

911 caller in Gates arrest never referred to 'black suspects'

(CNN) -- The woman who made the 911 call that led to the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. never referred to black suspects when she called authorities for what she thought was a potential break-in.
Sgt. Jim Crowley was the arresting officer. The woman who called police said she didn't mention race.

Sgt. Jim Crowley was the arresting officer. The woman who called police said she didn't mention race.

...Attorney Wendy Murphy, who represents Whalen, also categorically rejected part of the police report that said Whalen talked with Sgt. James Crowley, the arresting officer, at the scene.

"Let me be clear: She never had a conversation with Sgt. Crowley at the scene," Murphy told CNN by phone. "And she never said to any police officer or to anybody 'two black men.' She never used the word 'black.' Period."

She added, "I'm not sure what the police explanation will be. Frankly, I don't care. Her only goal is to make it clear she never described them as black. She never saw their race. ... All she reported was behavior, not skin color."...


Gates, Crowley meeting at White House set for 6 p.m. Thursday

July 28, 2009 12:48 PM - Pop the caps. Let the amber-colored liquids flow. Start the dialogue.

That's what President Obama is looking to do when he meets with Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and James Crowley, the Cambridge police sergeant who arrested him, at the White House.

The meeting has been set for 6 p.m. Thursday, a White House official said this morning.


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