Jumat, 26 September 2008

Spoilers 9/26

Breaking News: From Suds: The Suds Report has learned one whopper of a plot twist involving Sonny. The poor man’s mobster will take a bride very soon — and it’s not who you think. The bride is listed among these options: Olivia, Claudia, Carly, Jason, and Diane.

Liason... Liz paints her stuido and engages in a paint fight with Jason.

Skate... Sonny is certain Karpov was behind the shooting. To bad it's the new walking Anthony that shoots. Sonny tells Jason he wants back into the mob to give it to Karpov direct. Anthony does this to start a war between Sason. A huge reveal to Sonny will be revealed during the Scrubs wedding in Dec. Olivia lets the secret out by next Friday, the audience will knwo what it is. We may hear Sonny's betrayal speech.

Drug Ring... Alexis is on Karpov's radar. Alexis lets Jerry know that Jerry has been on their radar all along. Jerry finds out that Alexis is in trouble and decides to act.Sam and Lucky worry about Alexis and the girls. Sam admits that Lucky was right about her plan to get to Jerry wasn't a good idea. Lucky and Sam talk about Sam being on Jerry's bad side. Jason comes into the picture. Sam joins up with him later on. Lucky wonders if Sam has any lingering feelings for Jason.

Nikadine... Nik and Nadine make love. Nadine may kiss someone else.

Carjax... Carly gets a new business partner.

Luke... Expect TG to grace the screen the week of the 13th. Luke's storyline which will predominantly involve Tracy, Lulu, Scottie, Lucky, Laura, Nik, Johnny will be the big non-mob storyline coming up.Biggest themes: Luke v. Scottie, Luke/Tracy vs. Luke/Laura, and Luke/Lulu. Look for a huge twist in the Laura story.

Jolu... So Jolu are breaking up? I know sad right. Well it looks like Johnny will end thing with Lulu thinking it is better for her. Lulu will be upset and be finished with love. Rumors suggest that Lulu may be the first one to meet Dante. (Does Lulu really need another guy?)

LuSam... You may just be getting a baby!

Scrubs... Mac arrests Patrick after he says no to Robins proposal wanting them to work it out. Rumors say they set and wedding date and its in December.
Scrub Dates (SB)
Wed, Oct 8th Mac gives Robin a shoulder to lean on when she confides about Patrick not wanting to marry her.

Thurs, Oct 9th After arresting Patrick, Mac forces him and Robin to sort things out between them.

Friday, Oct 10thRobin and Patrick set a wedding date. Patrick is torn over whether or not to keep Olivia's secret from Sonny.

NightShift... Tiff, Sean and Luke will not be flashbacks.

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