Kamis, 11 September 2008

Caroline on the Beach

Courtesy of www.GHOFS.blogspot.com:

Spinelli wants to help Carly resolve her romantic woes so he signs her up for online dating. When Maxie brings the idea up to Jason, he tells them it is not a good idea and she won’t like it. But, if they are going to do it, they need to ask Carly first.Well, of course Maxie and Spinelli don’t ask Carly, but instead fill out the questionnaire for Carly and while they are at it, they create a profile for Jason too! They meet Carly at the MetroCourt to tell her about the profile and profile name “carolineonthebeach”. Carly is not too happy about the idea of online dating until Jax walks in with Leyla and then she’s like “show me who I’m going to date!”The guy’s name is “scottythehottie”. Come to find out, since he is someone who is arrogant enough to call himself Scotty the Hottie, they realize it’s Scott Baldwin.NO WAY.Spinelli says there is one more match and they’re perfectly compatible. When Maxie checks the computer, she says she doesn’t think it’s quite who Carly had in mind.His user id? “DangerDude”.

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