Updates: Kate and Olivia see a very ugly side of Sonny. Diane cautions Alexis not to take action against Sam.Johnny accepts Ric's job offer.Claudia and Jason reach a compromise and team up.Lucky wants Sam to stop investigating Karpov and move in.Nik asks Nadine out on a date. She accepts.Matt is happy for Robin and Patrick.
Friday-- LuSam come home with take out. They have sex on the dinning room table with the window open. They are on the couch later and share ILY's. It continues into Monday when they discuss their future.
Jerry and Alexis' last scene is next week. Jerry tries to explain what Alexis walked in on and she shuts him down.
Rumors are flying that Carly may be paired with Nik but they are probably just rumors.
Rumors say that the writters are having Claudia bring up a MOC to Jason to poke fun at the internet rumors of the MOC
Rumors*** Jane Elliot was let go (Tracy) **** NL will return to GH in a new role she will also be at SSW. This came up in an interview (August 29) on her website about something on her table for her to come back to play a different role on GH. The interview said that she is considering it but nothing is set yet.
L&L... Remember Nov 17 is an anniversary for them so expect something "special"
Drug Ring... Jason does get involved in the drug storyline. Elizabeth and Jason realize that life is too short and bond watching their friend and his family. They are grateful for what they do have and act on their feelings. Elizabeth also fills Jason in on Sam's investigation of the fake drugs.
Sam informs Jason about her findings. And then he heads off to hunt down Karpov, Jerry, and the fake drugs.
J-Lex. Jerry goes out as Mr. Craig. He will be ruthless and ugly. Alexis will not bite the dust. SR's leaving is not bitter or ugly, just has too many options coming up, and wants to spread his wings. Management wasn't able to work around his requests logistically, hence the upcoming exit, but you are really going to like the sweeps story. He was loving the idea of sending Jerry back to the dark side to facilitate his exit, he remains professional and charming, he's is a class act, the best French Export we've gotten here in the States for quite awhile.
Scrubs... Robin goes into a coma during the c-section delivery of her baby because of the fake drugs.
Liason... Next week, she calls him over to the studio and gives him a picture of Jake and tells him all about what is going on with him. While he is healing after he hurts his ankle. He forgets all about the chaos and remembers what he is missing out. Yes, they continue to meet in secret and they are in love - at least through to mid November. The Sonny kidnapping Liz rumors are still out there but now it states that Max and Milo take good care of Liz because the owe Jason that much. He owes them because he goes with the plan that Max runs the business.
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